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At Zarris & Company we balance risk and reward by acquiring  both stable and distressed assets, with an ability to grow operations, create opportunities, and add or enhance value.  Zarris & Company has achieved a reputation among the investment and brokerage communities as a trusted and successful real estate investment group.  Our reputation and commitment as a closer avails us to unique opportunities, including access to many off market and confidential opportunities.  In addition brokers often advise their sellers that an offer from Zarris & Company has value above and beyond the actual price offered.  A conservative, transparent, and honest approach in our underwriting and management  has attracted CMBS, Life, and traditional Commercial Banking lenders in becoming key financing partners with our business.  


Zarris & Company stands behind our offers through a commitment to close every transaction.


Over 200+ Acquired properties to date with acquisitions in 5 States and growing….


Looking to sell?   Contact us today for a “confidential discussion” about your project.

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